December 20, 2017 In Uncategorized Comments Off on MARIA LUZ E. JAVIER MBA, CPM-Asia, CPAE
December 20, 2017 In Uncategorized Comments Off on MARIA LUZ E. JAVIER MBA, CPM-Asia, CPAE
Local Network Representative/Chairperson, Global Compact Network Philippines
Ms. Maria Luz “Yayu” Javier is the Local Network Representative and Chairperson of the Global Contact Local Network Philippines of the United Nation’s Global Compact (UNGC). She spearheaded the launching of Global Compact Network here in the Philippines in 2016.
Prior to her position at UNGC, she was the Secretary General of the Asia Marketing Federation in 2017-2018. Also in 2018, she served as the Secretary General of the Marketing Institute of the Philippines. In 2014, Yayu became the President of the Philippine Marketing Association (PMA).
Currently, she sits as a board member of the Bank Marketing Association and trustee of the Philippine Council for the Advancement of Association Executives. Yayu is a major shareholder, president and chief Executive Officer of Avanza, Inc. Philippines – a Customer Relationship Management (CRM), loyalty marketing, and performance improvement company.
Yayu also have professional certifications. She is a Certified Professional Association Executive, certified by CPAAE Philippines, 2016 and Certified Professional Marketer of the Philippines and Asia, certified by the Asia Marketing Federation Certification. She earned her post-graduate education at the Ateneo De Manila University with a degree of Masters in Business Administration.